Agency Version of Omnibus Agreement (For Use with U.s. G-Sibs)

When it comes to doing business with U.S. global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), a comprehensive omnibus agreement is crucial to ensure smooth and efficient operations. An omnibus agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions between two parties, and in this case, it is used by an agency to engage in various transactions with G-SIBs.

What is an agency version of omnibus agreement?

The agency version of an omnibus agreement is a legal document that enables an agency to work with G-SIBs without having to enter into separate agreements for each transaction. It is a master agreement that covers a range of services, including securities lending, derivatives, and financing activities. This agreement facilitates operational efficiency and reduces transaction costs for both parties.

Why is it important for agencies to have an omnibus agreement?

There are several benefits that agencies can derive from having an omnibus agreement. Firstly, it allows the agency to conduct business with multiple G-SIBs using a single contract, simplifying the management of various legal and regulatory requirements. Secondly, it streamlines counterparty risk management by establishing a uniform set of terms and conditions across all transactions, which reduces the risk of legal disputes and operational disruptions. Finally, it enables agencies to offer a broad range of services to their clients, which helps to increase their competitiveness in the market.

What are the key features of an agency version of omnibus agreement?

An agency version of omnibus agreement typically includes several key features that govern the relationship between the agency and the G-SIBs. These features include:

1. Definitions: This section defines key terms and phrases used in the agreement, such as “business day” and “termination event.”

2. Scope of services: This section outlines the types of services that the agency will provide to the G-SIBs and the terms and conditions under which these services will be provided.

3. Representations and warranties: This section sets out the representations and warranties made by the agency and the G-SIBs, including their authority to enter into the agreement and their compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

4. Fees and expenses: This section details the fees and expenses associated with the services provided under the agreement, including how they will be calculated and invoiced.

5. Dispute resolution: This section establishes the process for resolving disputes that may arise between the agency and the G-SIBs.


An agency version of omnibus agreement is an essential tool for agencies looking to do business with U.S. G-SIBs. It simplifies the management of multiple legal and regulatory requirements while streamlining counterparty risk management. The agreement allows agencies to offer a broad range of services to their clients while increasing their competitiveness in the market. By understanding the key features of an agency version of omnibus agreement, agencies can work effectively and efficiently with G-SIBs while minimizing operational disruptions and legal disputes.