Collaborative Practice Agreement Oregon

Collaborative Practice Agreement in Oregon: What You Need to Know

Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) is a written agreement between a licensed healthcare provider and a collaborating physician that outlines the scope of services that the healthcare provider can perform. In Oregon, CPAs are an important part of healthcare delivery and enable licensed healthcare providers to practice to their full scope of practice.

CPAs are required for certain healthcare providers, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and certified nurse-midwives, who wish to prescribe medications, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and refer patients to specialists. The agreement must be signed by the collaborating physician and the healthcare provider and must be updated every two years.

Why Collaborative Practice Agreement is important

Collaborative Practice Agreement is essential in Oregon because it allows licensed healthcare providers to practice to their full scope of practice without having to refer patients to a physician for every decision. This not only saves time and resources but also improves patient outcomes by providing more timely and complete care.

CPAs also facilitate collaboration between healthcare providers and physicians, which is essential for high-quality patient care. A collaborative approach enables healthcare providers to work with physicians to develop treatment plans and make decisions that are in the best interest of the patient.

CPAs also provide accountability by outlining the responsibilities of both the healthcare provider and the collaborating physician. This ensures that patients receive the appropriate level of care and that healthcare providers are held accountable for their actions.

How to establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement in Oregon

To establish a Collaborative Practice Agreement in Oregon, a licensed healthcare provider must find a collaborating physician who is willing to sign the agreement. The healthcare provider and physician must establish the scope of practice that the healthcare provider will be performing and outline the responsibilities of both parties.

The agreement must be signed by both parties and submitted to the Oregon Medical Board along with any other required documentation. The Board will review the agreement and may request changes before approving it. Once approved, the CPA must be updated every two years.


Collaborative Practice Agreement is an essential component of healthcare delivery in Oregon. This agreement enables licensed healthcare providers to practice to their full scope of practice and provide timely and complete care to their patients. CPAs also facilitate collaboration between healthcare providers and physicians, ensuring high-quality patient care and accountability for healthcare providers. If you are a licensed healthcare provider in Oregon, it is important to understand the requirements for establishing a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a collaborating physician.