Share Purchase Agreement Example Uk

If you are planning to invest in a company in the United Kingdom, a share purchase agreement (SPA) is an essential document that ensures a smooth and legal transaction. An SPA outlines the terms and conditions of the sale and purchase of shares of a company. It is a legally binding agreement between the seller and the buyer that protects the interests of both parties. In this article, we will guide you on share purchase agreement example UK and its content.

Content of the Share Purchase Agreement

The content of an SPA can vary depending on the specific agreement. However, it generally includes the following sections:

1. Background Information

The first section of an SPA typically provides a background on the company and the current shareholders. It includes information on the number of shares, the price per share, and the total price of the transaction. It may also include information on the company`s financial performance, outstanding debt, and other relevant details.

2. Purchase Price

The purchase price is one of the most critical aspects of an SPA. The price per share may be stated outright, or it may be calculated based on a specific formula. The section will also include information on the payment method and timeline.

3. Representations and Warranties

The representations and warranties section is where the seller makes certain statements about the company`s financial health, ownership structure, and legal compliance. It is a critical section that protects the buyer by ensuring that the seller has provided accurate information about the company.

4. Conditions Precedent

Conditions precedent are a set of requirements that must be met before the sale can go ahead. This section outlines the specific conditions that both parties must fulfill before the transaction can be completed. For example, the buyer may require certain regulatory approvals, or the seller may need to provide additional information or documentation.

5. Indemnification

Indemnification is a legal term that means compensation or reimbursement for any losses or damages. The indemnification section outlines the terms and conditions of compensation and who is responsible for paying for any losses or damages.

6. Termination and Breach

The termination and breach section outlines the circumstances under which the SPA can be terminated. It also includes provisions for breach of contract and remedies for any violations.


A share purchase agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of a share sale transaction. It protects the interests of both parties by ensuring that all the necessary information is disclosed and that both parties have their rights protected. When drafting an SPA, it is essential to consult with a lawyer who can help ensure that the agreement meets all legal requirements. A well-crafted SPA can ensure a successful transaction and help build a strong and lasting business relationship.