Some Subject Verb Agreement Problems Worksheet 3

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of writing clear and concise sentences. If the subject and verb in a sentence do not agree, it can cause confusion and make the writing appear careless. Worksheet 3 focuses on some common subject-verb agreement problems and how to correct them.

Problem 1: Singular subjects and plural verbs

When the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular. However, sometimes writers make the mistake of using a plural verb with a singular subject. For example, “The dog chase the cat” should be “The dog chases the cat.”

Problem 2: Collective nouns and singular or plural verbs

Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a group of individuals, such as team, staff, or family. When using these nouns as the subject of a sentence, writers often struggle with whether to use a singular or plural verb. For example, “The staff is working hard” is correct, but “The staff are working hard” is not.

Problem 3: Compound subjects and singular or plural verbs

Compound subjects are two or more subjects joined by and. When using compound subjects, writers must ensure that the verb agrees with the subject. If both subjects are singular, the verb should be singular. If both subjects are plural, the verb should be plural. For example, “The cat and the dog are sleeping” is correct, but “The cat and the dog is sleeping” is not.

Problem 4: Indefinite pronouns and singular or plural verbs

Indefinite pronouns refer to unspecified people or things, such as anyone, everyone, or no one. When using these pronouns as the subject of a sentence, writers often struggle with whether to use a singular or plural verb. For example, “No one likes to be criticized” is correct, but “No one like to be criticized” is not.

To practice correcting these subject-verb agreement problems, try the following exercises:

1. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct subject-verb agreement:

The boys play football every Saturday.

2. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct subject-verb agreement:

The committee are meeting tomorrow.

3. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct subject-verb agreement:

The doctor and the nurse is on duty tonight.

4. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct subject-verb agreement:

Everyone in the class has their own opinion.

By mastering subject-verb agreement, you can improve the clarity and professionalism of your writing. With practice, these rules will become second nature, allowing you to write confidently and effectively.